Let Nature In! (Guest Blog)

Let Nature In! By Emma Edwards

Now, more than ever, a lot of us feel isolated. Being cooped up inside for weeks on end (even with the knowledge that we’re protecting ourselves and our loved ones) has been hard. Over the last weeks and months a lot of us will have felt anxious, loneliness, grief, frustration, relief, gratitude, hope... Or a cocktail of the above! I think we can all agree it’s been an emotional rollercoaster. 

Some of us have been using our daily exercise, and our gardens (if we’re lucky enough to have them!) as a means of escapism… And some of us have been feeling too overwhelmed to get out and about. As someone who has battled anxiety and depression myself, I am a big advocate for the healing power of nature. I left my job in finance to retrain as a florist. Getting creative, getting back to nature and doing something I enjoyed really helped me improve my mental health. Now, I run my own floristry business, Emma Jane Floral Design, specialising in bespoke designs for weddings and events and in my spare time I volunteer at a mental health charity.

Here are a few ways you can let nature in! 

1. Get some fresh air!

It might sound obvious, but getting out in the fresh air can really help boost your mood. If you’re working from home, try popping outside for a break every so often to boost your brain power. And if you’re feeling too anxious to make it out today, even opening the window to let some air in can improve your mood.

2. Notice the small things. 

Being present in the moment can really help to stop your mind whirling with anxieties, problems or your never-ending to-do list! Try to focus your attention on the things around you, here and now; the birds tweeting, the daisies growing through the grass, the sun shining on your face.


3. Plant some seeds!

Audrey Hepburn said “to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”. Even if you live in a flat, try planting some chilli seeds and keeping them on your windowsill. Seeing your seedlings growing will give you a sense of achievement, hope and something to look forward to!

4. Get digging!

If you’re lucky enough to have your own garden, try revamping your flower beds, or making some news ones! Digging is fantastic for burning off your anger or frustrations and getting some exercise at the same time! 

The extra activity can boost your self-confidence, sense of achievement and help improve sleep too, which can really help if you’ve been lying awake with thoughts rattling around in your head for hours on end!

5. Bring the outside inside!

Treat yourself to a pretty bunch of flowers. Indulging in a small treat every now and again can boost your self-worth and studies have shown that having flowers in the home can ease stress and lift your mood! 

For the home workers out there, having a posy of flowers or pot plant on your desk can have huge benefits! Numerous studies show that they can booth enthusiasm, creativity and inspiration.

6. Get creative. 

Why not try your hand at flower arranging? Using a few blooms from the garden, supermarket or your local florist and a pretty vase you can create something beautiful for your own home, or to gift to a friend to make them feel great too! 

Take a look at my blog and Instagram page for some tutorials and inspiration!  

I hope you find these ideas helpful for using nature to boost your mood during this difficult time. Remember that if you’re struggling, there are loads of organisations out there that can help. Reaching out is the first step. Check out the resources below.


Mind - Mental Health Charity

Age UK - Charity supporting Older People 

Samaritans - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Charity


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