My Endless Love

As Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie sang in their heart melting duet, “Endless Love”, 

“My love, there's only you in my life. 

The only thing that's bright. 

My first love, 

You're every breath that I take.

You're every step I make.” 

This is how you should feel about yourself. You should not dislike yourself or feel down about yourself and your life. Like you would fawn over a new lover that you want to impress, you should accept, love and celebrate yourself. No one has more to gain than you if you feel worthy, confident and resilient. It should be a primary objective of each and every one of us to find an “endless love” for ourselves. 

Now you’re going to say, ‘Who is this Brit, sitting in London, telling me to “love myself”? She’s never walked a day in my shoes, nor does she know my story,  what I’m going through or what I’ve been through. I just can’t “love myself” right now. It would be selfish, improper and downright un-British!’ 

So here’s what I’ve got to say about that: so what? Just because you can take all your clothes off and jump into the freezing cold sea, most people don’t do that everyday! And by the same token, you can break out of the mould, shake off that British stiff-upper lip tendency to be negative, self - deprecating and cynical. 

My own personal journey towards self-love has not been easy and I am by no means the finished article. However with an invaluable coaching team I am growing and learning more about myself than ever before in order to reach my optimum self. Having started three businesses (with the last one only finishing in the last year) I have been down some rabbit holes, been in some dark places and felt depressed and worthless-like a failure. The thing that my friends say about me is that I have bags of resilience, and when I get knocked down, I get up again!

So today, I’m going to tell you 3 reasons why you should love yourself:

1 Don’t be too hard on yourself

We are our own worst critic. So I simply say, learn to be more forgiving of yourself. Work towards moving to a growth mindset. Don’t think you’ve “failed”, just think you’ve learnt. A tough one, I know! 

2 Say how you really feel 

It is easy to hold back and to be fearful of what others think about us often to the detriment of our own values. It is important to get to a place where you value your own opinions and beliefs boosting your sense of self and self worth. Just take steps to speak up when you can. Keep at it! 

3 Celebrate yourself! 

There is no one like you! You bring your awesome talents and skills to this planet. So do your best to celebrate your contribution to the human race. Treat yourself in a healthy way. Run, enjoy nature, cycle, visit a gallery, sing at the top of your voice, dance like nobody’s watching! You get it - go on I dare you to celebrate yourself.


Your career and the company bottom line?


Thank u, next?